Friday, January 11, 2008

RIP Tweakachu

When I came home from work today, my cat was lying on the floor meowing loudly.

I decided to take her to the vet, and when I tried to pick her up and put her in the cat carrier, I noticed her back legs were stiff - and cold.

As it turns out, she "threw a clot" and her back legs hadn't had blood in them for likely much of the day. Another clot was affecting her front paw as well and the vet said the same thing would happen to both of her front legs. There was nothing they could do and the only humane choice was to have her euthanized.

I miss her like hell. She was one of the sweetest animals I've ever known in my life.

RIP Tweakachu (aka Tweak aka Tweakers).
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OK, one more pic: