Sunday, February 3, 2008

This is the view outside my back door.

What you don't see in this picture are the hundred (or so) geese just outside of the edges of the picture. Last year, it seemed like there were maybe half this many. Since they're reproducing unchecked with no natural predators, the population is exploding.

I hate geese. They're mean, territorial creatures that shit everywhere. They'll actually attack you if they're having a bad goose day. I know they are protected creatures and all, but I don't know how much patience or mercy I'd have if attacked by a goose.

Swans, on the other hand, are freakin' sweet. They're about 4-5x as big as the geese and they just like to swim around and pick fights with geese, groups of them even. They move like Imperial Star Destroyers amongst puny X-wings. That's right. I went there.

So here's the dynamic in this lake. (1) Geese constantly fight for territory amongst themselves (and shit all over everything). (2) Swans swim around the lake in large circles while the geese scatter to get out of the way. (3) I take pictures and blog about it.
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