Friday, July 27, 2007

The Simpsons Movie

I went to see the Simpsons Movie at a midnight showing this past Thursday. In short, it was good!!

I had secret hopes that it would be outstanding. When I went to see South Park: The Movie, I spent nearly the entire time wiping tears from my face because I laughed uncontrollably to the point where it might have been better defined as a "convulsion." I wanted that again. But like I said, it was good - solid.

There was a lot of slap-stick comedy and many laugh-out-loud moments. It was on par with a very good episode of the Simpsons throughout.

By the end though, I really wanted it to end - and how it ended didn't matter (like most Simpson episodes, really). I was full of the Simpsons. And actually, I do have a bone to pick: The way Homer and Bart ride the motorcycle around and up the interior of the dome at the end really offended the physicist in me. If you think this is a spoiler, you're wrong.

If you love the Simpsons TV show, you'll love the movie. I give it a B+.

1 comment:

crystal said...

What? No mention of Bart's penis? I thought this was an X-rated website! :)